Imagine going to school and being energized. Imagine feeling respected, understood, and appreciated by your teachers. 想象一下受到教育的启发. Imagine having the opportunity to discover new interests and to pursue the things you already love vigorously and fully. Imagine a place where being you is celebrated, and where people are kind to one another.
学校可以是这样的. 索伯里学校就是这样. 每年6月, even after 20+ years at 韦德娱乐app下载地址, 我仍然对这种独立感到震惊, 信心, and work ethic of our graduating seniors. We know they're going to start college in the fall a step ahead, with all the tools they need to succeed. It's a feeling that never gets old to me.
The world feels different and uncertain right now; This moment necessitates that life at Solebury is also a bit different as we take important steps to ensure health and safety for our community and for our prospective families. What has never been more certain is the power that knowledge, 道德, 社区对世界的影响. Through a combination of live and virtual moments, we will show you how these things are key characteristics of the Solebury experience. We can't wait to meet you and have you experience and enjoy this for yourselves.
Scott Eckstein, P'22
Director of Enrollment Man年龄ment and Financial Aid
请填写这张快速表格 来帮助我们了解你. We’ll send relevant information to you to help you get to know 韦德娱乐app下载地址 better.
The SSAT has always just been a piece of how we get to know students. 鉴于这种, combined with the fact that taking it may be harder this year, 申请人可能, 但不是必须的, 提交SSAT.
韦德娱乐app下载地址现在接受DuoLingo. Exam scores may be sent through DuoLingo or directly to 约旦里德.